Monday, 12 November 2007

Pressure group formed abroad V.O.C.S.S

Victims of Camden Social Services group has been formed in a foriegn country to pursue the process of defending the victims of the social thugs and social care-takers.

more on this and a new website which I will not take part in due to my personal situation will be made available soon with news views and articles that will shock the average reader about those villains who specialise in destroyed people's lives.


Unknown said...

My son Yusuf was snatched on the 20.7.2008, a day after me and my wife were married(according to Registrar the bride was radiant and it was one of the happiest little ceremonies she had performed this year. A week later Camden Social Services was somehow involved although we live in Buckinghamshire. And Camden SS has refused to talk to Buckinghamshire Social services. I have obtained a Prohibited Steps Order after I found that the mother had actually taken all the official papers of the child and his passport. The Court ordered access every week, then Camden lawyers objected, and then it was ordered fevery two weeks. A recess was ordered by judge. When the case restarted, Camden barrister stated that she had spoken to a duty officer called Melanie Gordon of Camden Social Services and she was worried about the child delayed speech and try to attribute this to me and asked the judge not to order direct contact. I was the one who was worried about my son's delayed speech and I ws already taking him to Stoke Mandeville Hospital and he was referred to Wycombe General Hospital. Yusuf became affected when his mother and grandmother took him to Morocco in Nov/Dec 2006. Todate nobody knows why. He has started to talk again recently after a lot of fcare from me. And yet Camden Social Services tried to blame me for something actually done by the mother or the grandmother.

The judge had no choice, unfortunately but to order indirect access by phone calls, which todate after about a month, has not happened.

I am even more worried now that I have seen how many blogs there are on Camden Social Services and that they are being described as the worst Local Authority in the land for Childcare.

If someone has had a bad experience with Camden Social Services and have fought them to protect their child, i would appreciate any help they can give me.

Unknown said...

My son Yusuf was snatched on the 20.7.2008, a day after me and my wife were married(according to Registrar the bride was radiant and it was one of the happiest little ceremonies she had performed this year. A week later Camden Social Services was somehow involved although we live in Buckinghamshire. And Camden SS has refused to talk to Buckinghamshire Social services. I have obtained a Prohibited Steps Order after I found that the mother had actually taken all the official papers of the child and his passport. The Court ordered access every week, then Camden lawyers objected, and then it was ordered fevery two weeks. A recess was ordered by judge. When the case restarted, Camden barrister stated that she had spoken to a duty officer called Melanie Gordon of Camden Social Services and she was worried about the child delayed speech and try to attribute this to me and asked the judge not to order direct contact. I was the one who was worried about my son's delayed speech and I ws already taking him to Stoke Mandeville Hospital and he was referred to Wycombe General Hospital. Yusuf became affected when his mother and grandmother took him to Morocco in Nov/Dec 2006. Todate nobody knows why. He has started to talk again recently after a lot of fcare from me. And yet Camden Social Services tried to blame me for something actually done by the mother or the grandmother.

The judge had no choice, unfortunately but to order indirect access by phone calls, which todate after about a month, has not happened.

I am even more worried now that I have seen how many blogs there are on Camden Social Services and that they are being described as the worst Local Authority in the land for Childcare.

If someone has had a bad experience with Camden Social Services and have fought them to protect their child, i would appreciate any help they can give me.