Wednesday 21 November 2007

Salma's diary seen!...

the diary has now been shown to us,

my precious baby wrote: I am being abused by the foster carer.

but the pages before and after that are actually MISSING!

and the diary is LOOSE!

if we know that the diary was in possession of social services for nearly a month before it was let,

and for some strange reason most of Salma's possessions were held by Camden till Friday!

(Friday is the day when the diary investigation ended)

then we will realise that the criminal has had amble time to destroy all evidence!

what with a paid gun into the investigation being able to give the opinion,

the investigation ended as: yes there was abuse, BUT we can't point the finger anywhere,

AND we can say there was BAD SOCIAL WORK.

that's all we got out of it.

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